Due Diligence Project Manager

Start Network

Employment Type Full time
Location Hybrid · UK
Salary £48,000 - £50,000 (GBP)
Team Research & Development / Assurance
Seniority Senior
  • Closing: 11:59pm, 6th Aug 2023 BST

Job Description


Start Network is a global membership of over 80 organisations, working across six continents, to tackle what we see as the biggest systemic problems in the global humanitarian system. Start Network is an independent charity. We also work with Save the Children UK, which acts a grant
custodian for Start Network.

Start Network’s vision is for a locally led humanitarian system that is accountable to people affected by and at risk of crises. We aim to achieve this vision by making system-level shifts in how humanitarian assistance is approached and delivered.

DECENTRAISLING & LOCALLY-LED ACTION: Shifting power and resources and decentralising
decision-making to locally led networks and organisations.

EARLY & RAPID FINANCING: Building a global financing system that reduces risk, anticipates, and acts ahead of predictable crises.

COMMUNITY-LED INNOVATION: Incentivising innovative, locally led, and contextual solutions and learning from them together with people affected by crises.

For more information about Start Network and what we do, please visit our website.

WE PUT PEOPLE FIRST: Communities come first in our decision-making and programming.
WE ARE BRAVE: We have great ambition and are willing to explore new things and take risks to achieve it
WE OPERATE COLLECTIVELY: We leverage the value of working as a network, sharing risk and resources, and learning together.
WE ARE INCLUSIVE: We see the value in diverse perspectives and work to remove the barriers that prevent voices from being heard.
WE ARE OPEN: We work transparently and with integrity, building mutual trust in all levels of our work, from governance to programming.
WE ARE ETHICAL: We behave and operate based on key principles of anti-racism, non- discrimination, and anti-colonialism. This is a work in progress.

The Start Network’s aim is to become a global decentralised network of networks, where hundreds of organisations can join as members. In order for us to do this, we are actively seeking to find ways to break down the barriers created by the current system of due diligence.

Due diligence – the vetting of organisations due to receive funding – is vital for donors: it gives them reassurance that the organisations they fund have the governance and financial systems
necessary to minimise the risk of misuse of funds. However, organisations often need to be quite large to have the systems and financial accountability to underwrite financial risks. This creates a
significant barrier to entry, and incentivises “western style” larger-scale organisations that are more able to meet due diligence requirements. In addition, donors and INGOs all have their own
vetting systems, creating unnecessary duplication and administrative cost for every actor and donor in the aid system. We need to address both the inefficiency and the stifling of smaller-scale organisations that are inherent in current due diligence practices. To do this, we propose to revolutionise our due diligence, by creating a global due diligence database to provide:
• a standardised due diligence process that is tiered (not simply pass or fail) and can be tailored to context
• online verification and validation of organisations
• opt-in capacity building and training to enable actors to move up the due diligence tiers

Start Network developed a tiered due diligence framework and has tested and operationalised it.
This has enabled the Network to bring in a wider spectrum of humanitarian actors into our membership and provide direct access to funding to local and national members. In 2022, Start’s due diligence has further evolved into a modular due diligence framework to account for better
country-level contextualisation. As Due Diligence Project Manager, you will lead in the continuous exploration, learning and development of Start’s approach to due diligence.

Start has also partnered with a tech developer and has delivered the first phase of the digital platform. As Due Diligence Project Manager, you would be a critical catalyst in this exciting project.
With management experience in donor due diligence procedures, you would be able to strategically manage the complexities of the project. You would have excellent stakeholder management skills, to work with and convene partners to see the successful pilot and scale of the digital platform. You would also work closely with senior management to create engagement strategies to influence our members, donors and partners to adopt due diligence passporting and to use the digital platform.

You would engage with other organisations and networks working actively in this space to ensure
that there is alignment, or no unnecessary duplication. Once the platform is in an initial pilot phase, you would also support the Operations Team to look at capacity building strategies to ensure that organisations can move up the due diligence ladder through our Organisational Strengthening

Project Management
To be responsible for the management and development of our due diligence framework transformation project. This will include:
• Responsibility for leading the success of the development, pilot and scaling of a global due diligence digital platform that enables a greater diversity of actors to join the Start Network.
• Lead on the development of a Quality Assurance Framework to compliment the DD work.
• Build, update and maintain a due Diligence training programme to reflect the adaption to the framework as required.
• Manage the budget for development work including preparing proposals to donors to ensure a healthy funding pipeline and the prompt submission of donor reports, as needed relative to the project.
• Working specifically on further development of key aspects of the project including o Roll out of DD Framework to local service providers.
o Modularisation of the framework
o Framework Recalibration

Technical development & oversight
To be responsible for developing the technical and digital aspects of the framework evolution.
This will include:
• Working with tech suppliers and digital experts to scope the appropriate platforms and tools to best deliver on the objectives of the project
• To maintain oversight of the development to ensure it meets the aims of the project
• Develop beta testing plans and ensure appropriate review has taken place prior to sign off and roll out.

Internal & External Engagement and Advocacy
• External Engagement & Advocacy to include:
o Responsibility for the engagement strategy to ensure that future due diligence solution is successful across key stakeholders (hosts, donors, partners and

o Working with Advocacy Lead to pursue opportunities for advocacy and influence the wider humanitarian landscape towards the adoption of more appropriate and
equitable models of due diligence and reducing duplication through the promotion of due diligence passporting.

• Internal Engagement to ensure alignment of due diligence framework with

o hub development and with the wider network development transition strategy o capacity demand with the Network’s membership intake ambitions
o effective operationalisation of our tiered and modular due diligence design and
service across Start’s global and national programmes
o the current and future digital architecture of the Network, including all other digital solutions under development
o the future financial model of the ‘Network of Networks' design
o all other assurance, risk and compliance functions of the Network.

• To work with the Evidence and Learning Team to ensure that learning is captured and
disseminated across the various initiatives and pilots around due diligence and wider
programme operationalisation

Operational Support
To provide operational support to key functions and teams in the organisation as required which may include activities such as
o Organisational Strengthening
o Audits
o Service Modelling
o Fund raising
o DD assessment reviews and reassessments

Line Management
• To carry out effective management of consultants and bought in professional service as required.

Start Network Culture
• To carry out the responsibilities of the role in line with the Start Network Code of Conduct
and with a commitment to safeguarding adults and children
• A commitment to the Start Network vision, principles, values, and approach
• The Start Network team is an agile group of individuals who use their experience and skills across the network, so flexibility to work in and with different teams and functions is a part of our culture.

The Due Diligence Manager has access to sensitive and confidential business information including Intellectual Property and processes. Specific non-disclosure contractual clauses may be applied.

• A proven track record in leading on initiatives around delivering multiple projects with a technical aspect
• Ability to strategically manage the complexities of a project
• A self-starter who is able to drive the ambitions of this high profile project
• Proven project management skills, leading projects that have an innovative nature
• Proven experience and skills in compliance and assurance, probably gained through work in audit, compliance or risk management
• Ability to think creatively and innovatively, developing solutions to challenge the status quo
• Excellent stakeholder management skills, collaborative in approach
• Experience of working in an agile, complex environment with an ability to work at strategic and operational level

As well as the above, we are seeking candidates who also have an interesting combination of some of the following skills and experience:
• Knowledge of the context of the humanitarian sector
• Strategic knowledge of how to run internal and external advocacy and engagement, including donor engagement, sector knowledge of key movements / developments, collaboration with external actors and lobbying
• Technical knowledge of risk and due diligence
• Management experience of donor due diligence procedures
• IT and or Digital transformation skills, linked to delivery of a systems-based project
• Actuary skills and knowledge

• Influence stakeholders to address difficult or complex issues by listening to diverse perspectives, finding common ground and avoiding criticism or complaint
• Flex communication style to convey complex information concisely to different audiences, avoiding jargon and using simple language
Strategic Thinking:
• Hold both a strategic perspective and enough detail to work with one part of the
organisation whilst understanding the impact on other parts of the organisation and network through listening and engaging with other teams
• Balance the tension between thinking, trialling and deciding to move forward in line with expectations from key stakeholders, namely members and Hubs
• Enable the network to develop in a way that embraces diversity and creates space for local and national agencies to gain power by driving the vision, mission and purpose and defending it against those who do not support it
Leadership of self and others:
• Willing to share own expertise with others in the organisation and network, both formally and informally
Ability to adapt and learn:
• Bring in best practice from a range of external sources to drive innovation to advance our work, connecting with diverse stakeholders and perspectives outside the sector
• Balance the need to follow systems and processes with the courage, identifying when systems and processes do not align with the mission, suggesting alternatives
Getting things done the Start Network way:
• Identify opportunities and take calculated risks to capitalise on opportunities that further our purpose and mission without compromising our vision.

Removing bias from the hiring process

Applications closed Sun 6th Aug 2023


Removing bias from the hiring process

  • Your application will be anonymously reviewed by our hiring team to ensure fairness
  • You’ll need a CV/résumé, but it’ll only be considered if you score well on the anonymous review

Applications closed Sun 6th Aug 2023