Head of influencing
- Closing: 5:00pm, 17th Jun 2021 BST
Job Description
Reports to: chief executive
Line manager for: communications officer, policy officer
ACEVO is the Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations. Our vision is to see civil society leaders making the biggest possible difference. Together with our network, we inspire and support civil society leaders through connection, skills and influencing.
For over 30 years, we have provided support, development and an inspiring, collective voice for our members across the UK. ACEVO's network of over 1,500 members includes the chief executives of small, community-based groups, ambitious medium-sized organisations, and well-known, well-loved national and international not-for-profits.
We are member-driven, connected, ambitious and honest. Our members drive positive change in their organisations and in their communities, and our peer-to-peer network supports and encourages them at every step of their career.
We have a turnover of around £1m and 16 staff (equivalent to 14 full time team members). In our most recent staff survey, 100% of our team said they enjoy their job and would recommend ACEVO as a great place to work.
Overview of the role
ACEVO’s vision for its advocacy, policy and communications work is to help to shape the agenda on issues that matter to our members, and ensure their voices are heard by those who have the power to effect change.
Through our influencing we:
Paint a bold, ambitious picture of what society, the sector and its leaders could look like and stimulate debate that results in the improvement of sector standards and stronger leadership.
Support and enable our members to lead strong, sustainable organisations that meet the needs of their beneficiaries.
Promote, model, support and measure best practice in EDI and workplace cultures for a more equitable, safer sector.
Celebrate the dedication, professionalism and expertise of civil society CEOs.
Represent the experiences and needs of our members to those with the ability to make positive changes for the sector.
Work collaboratively with civil society infrastructure bodies to deliver cross-sector objectives.
Engage with and mobilise members to participate in ACEVO’s public affairs, policy and advocacy work.
You will head up ACEVO’s small but impactful advocacy and communications team and set our advocacy, policy and external comms priorities in line with our organisational strategic objectives. You will oversee our output of policy positions, research, briefings, press statements and reports. You will work with the chief executive to set the tone and agree the messaging for our policy-related external communications.
You will be a key part of the senior management team, contributing to the effective delivery of our strategic objectives.
What we're looking for in you:
Ambitious about supporting civil society leaders.
A strong understanding of the impact of inequality and discrimination in civil society organisations and work, and a track record in delivering inclusive and equitable practice.
Experience of successfully leading projects in partnership with other individuals or organisations.
Good understanding of current policy issues affecting civil society.
A commitment to developing policy that centres the experiences and views of civil society leaders.
IT literacy.
Excellent organisational skills - able to manage own time and workload effectively and work under pressure.
Experience of team management.
Ability to forge and maintain relationships with senior representatives of not-for-profit and public sector organisations, and to work with a range of partner organisations.
Excellent written, editing and verbal communication skills.
(If you want more in-depth information on the role, the organisation or our team, you can download the full job pack here.)
Removing bias from the hiring process
Applications closed Thu 17th Jun 2021
Removing bias from the hiring process
- Your application will be anonymously reviewed by our hiring team to ensure fairness
- You’ll need a CV/résumé, but it’ll only be considered if you score well on the anonymous review
Applications closed Thu 17th Jun 2021