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Applied job board stats:

Facebook seems to offer an higher than usual number of minority candidates


Facebook has a high proportion of female candidates


Facebook seems fairly representative ethnic balance, although this depends on location and sector.

A note on data

The data is based on over 50,000 applications, the majority of which are from the UK but also the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland and Singapore. We don't currently control for typical or average demographic response rates for specific jobs, or for the average review scores for the jobs that applicants applied to. Data for some job boards is based on a small sample, but we're working on it. 😉

Top rated skills

Skill Avg score
communication 2.7 / 5
organisation 2.6 / 5
customer support 2.7 / 5
passion 2.8 / 5
attention to detail 2.8 / 5
initiative 2.8 / 5
teamwork 2.7 / 5
working autonomously 2.8 / 5
problem solving 2.6 / 5
coordination 2.5 / 5
prioritisation 3.1 / 5
curiosity 2.1 / 5
project management 2.9 / 5
motivation 3.0 / 5
research 3.1 / 5
time management 2.9 / 5
complex problem solving 2.6 / 5
strategy 2.6 / 5
integrity 2.8 / 5
creativity 2.8 / 5

Why diversity is important

A quick recap never hurts...

  • Poor diversity is a clue there may be hiring bias
  • Poor diversity dissauades talent from under-represented groups from joining you
  • There's evidence that diverse teams may perform better

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